Terms & Conditions

These General Terms and Conditions ("Terms") govern the rights and obligations of you, as buyers, and us, as sellers, in contractual relationships entered into via the E-shop on the shop.kunsthallepraha.org

All information about the processing of your personal data is provided in the Privacy Policy, which can be found here: https://shop.kunsthallepraha.org/en/gdpr/.

As You know, We communicate remotely in the first place. Therefore, it is also applicable to Our Contract that means of remote communication shall be used that allow Us to enter into an agreement without the simultaneous physical presence of Us and You.

If any part of the Terms contradicts what We have mutually agreed as part of the process of your purchase at Our E-Shop, that particular agreement will take precedence over the Terms.

    • Price shall mean the amount of money You will pay for the Goods;
    • Shipping charge shall mean the amount of money You will pay for the delivery of the Goods, including package costs (except for the price for the customer's choice of premium or gift packaging, which will be charged separately);
    • Total price shall mean the sum of the Price, the price for shipping and, where applicable, the price for modifications to the Goods or for gift and premium packaging according to the customer's requirements;
    • VAT shall mean the value added tax pursuant to the applicable legislation;
    • E-shop shall mean the online shop operated by Us atshop.kunsthallepraha.org, where the purchase of Goods will take place;
    • Invoice shall mean any tax document issued in accordance with the Value Added Tax Act and confirming payment of the Total Price;
    • We(nebo tak Us, Our)shall mean Kunsthalle Praha Services, s.r.o.., with its registered office at Klárov 132/5 Praha 1 – Malá Strana 118 00, IČO: 069 63 391, incorporated under File NoC 292173in the Commercial Register maintained at the Municipal Court in Prague, e-mail designshop@kunsthallepraha.org, telephone number 241 004 123 legally referred to as the seller;
    • Order shall mean your irrevocable proposal to enter into a Goods Purchase Contract with Us;
    • Contract shall mean any purchase contract negotiated on the basis of a duly completed Order sent via the E-shop, and shall be executed at the moment You receive a confirmation of the Order from Us;
    • User account shall mean an account set up on the basis of the data provided by you, which enables the storage of the data entered and the history of ordered Goods and executed Contracts;
    • You shall mean any person buying from Our E-shop, legally referred to as the buyer;
    • Goods shall mean anything You can buy from the E-shop.


    • These Terms and Conditions shall only apply to the purchase of Goods via the web interface of the E-shop.
    • When purchasing Goods, it is your responsibility to provide Us with all information in a correct and truthful manner. Therefore, We will consider the information You provided to Us when ordering the Goods to be correct and true.


    • The Contract with Us can be executed in Czech and English.
    • The Contract shall be executed remotely via the E-shop, with the cost of using remote means of communication to be borne by You. Nevertheless, said costs are no different from the basic rate You pay to your service provider for the use of such facilities (including, but not limited to, for internet access). Therefore, We will not charge You any additional costs for communication means beyond and above the Total Price. By submitting an Order, You agree to Our use of remote communication.
    • In order for Us to be able to execute the Contract, You must create a draft Order in the E-shop. Such a draft shall include the following information:
      1. Information about the Goods to be purchased (in the E-shop, You highlight the Goods You are interested in purchasing with the "Add to Cart" button);
      2. Information about the Price, Shipping Charge, the method of Total Price payment and the desired delivery method of the Goods; this information will be entered as part of the creation of the draft Order within the user interface of the E-shop, whereas the information about the Price, Shipping Charge and Total Price will be populated automatically based on the Goods and delivery method You have selected;
      3. Your identification data used to enable Us to deliver the Goods, including, but not limited to, your name, surname, delivery address, telephone number and email address;
    • During the creation of the draft Order, You can change and check the data up to the time of its completion. After checking, please press the "Binding Order to Pay" button to create an Order. However, before pressing the button, You must confirm that You have read the Privacy Policy and confirm your consent to these Terms and Conditions; otherwise it will not be possible to create an Order. A checkbox is used to confirm and agree. After pressing the "Binding Order to Pay" button, all completed information will be sent directly to Us.
    • We will confirm your Order as soon as reasonably possible after it is delivered to Us by a message sent to your e-mail address specified in the Order. Such a confirmation will include a summary of the Order and these Terms and Conditions. Confirmation of the Order by Us shall establish the execution of the Contract between Us and You. The Terms and Conditions effective as of the date of the Order shall form an integral part of the Contract.
    • There may be cases where We are unable to confirm your Order. This includes situations where the Goods are not available or where You order more Goods than We have in stock. However, information about the maximum number of Goods shall always be provided to You in advance in the E-shop and should not be surprising to you. In the event that there is any reason why We cannot confirm the Order, We will contact You and send You an offer to execute the Contract in an amended form compared to the Order. In this case, the Contract shall be executed when You confirm Our offer.
    • In the event that a patently incorrect Price is indicated in the E-shop or in the draft Order, We will not be obliged to deliver the Goods to You at that Price even if You have received confirmation of the Order and therefore the Contract has been executed. In such a situation, We will contact You immediately and send You an offer to execute a new Contract in an amended form compared to the Order. In such a case, a new Contract shall be executed at the moment You confirm Our offer. In the event that You do not confirm Our offer within 3 days of the dispatching thereof, We shall be entitled to rescind the executed Contract. A patent error in the Price shall be deemed to include, without limitation, situations where the Price does not correspond to the usual price at other sellers or where a digit is missing or added.
    • In the event that the Contract is executed, You shall be obliged to pay the Total Price pursuant to Article 5 of the Terms.
    • If You have a User Account, You can place an Order through it. Notwithstanding that, You shall still be obliged to check the accuracy, truthfulness and completeness of the pre-populated data. However, the method of creating an Order is the same as in the case of a buyer without a User Account, but the advantage is that You do not have to fill in your identification data repeatedly.
    • In some cases We allow You to take advantage of a discount on the purchase of Goods. In order for the discount to be granted, You must fill in the details of the discount in the predefined field within the draft Order. If You do so, the Goods will be provided to You at a discount.


    • Based on your registration in the E-shop, You can access your User Account.
    • When registering a User Account, it is your responsibility to provide correct and truthful information and to update it if it changes.
    • Access to the User Account shall be secured by a username and password. You shall maintain the confidentiality of such credentials and shall not disclose them to anyone else. We shall not be liable for any misuse of your credentials.
    • The User Account is of a personal nature and You shall not allow third parties to use it.
    • Customers with a valid Kunsthalle Praha membership receive a 10% discount on the purchase of Goods after registering and logging into the User Account. The discount will then be shown automatically. The seller has the right to determine the selection of Goods that is part of this discount. Exceptions will always be stated on the product page itself.
    • We may cancel your User Account; this includes, without limitation, a situation where You will have not used it for more than 2 years . We will notify You of its cancellation in advance by e-mail.
    • We do not guarantee that the User Account will be available without interruption, especially with regard to necessary hardware and software maintenance. We will inform You about the planned temporary unavailability of your User Account on the E-shop website or by e-mail.


    • The Price shall at all times be indicated in the E-shop, in the Order proposal and, naturally, in the Contract. In the event of a discrepancy between the Price for the Goods indicated in the E-shop and the Price stated in the draft Order, the Price in the draft Order shall apply, which shall always be the same as the price in the Contract. The draft Order shall also include the Shipping Charge, the conditions under which shipping is free, when applicable, and the price for any premium packaging or modifications You order.
    • The Total Price shall be inclusive of VAT and all statutory charges.
    • Payment of the Total Price will be required from You after the execution of the Contract and before delivery of the Goods. The Total Price can be paid in the following ways:
      1. By wire transfer. We will send You the information needed for executing the payment as part of the Order confirmation. In case of payment by wire transfer, the Total Price shall be due and payable within 7 days..
      2. Online by card. In this case, payment shall be made through the ShoptetPay payment gateway, and the payment shall be subject to the terms and conditions of this payment gateway, which are available at:https://www.shoptetpay.com/cs/vseobecne-obchodni-podminky-shoptet-pay/.
      3. Cash on delivery. In this case, payment will be made on delivery of the Goods against handover thereof. In the case of payment by cash on delivery, the Total Price shall be payable upon receipt of the Goods.
      4. Cash or credit card on collection by hand. The Goods can be paid in cash if You pick them up at Our shop. In the case of a cash payment on collection by hand, the Total Price shall be payable upon receipt of the Goods.
    • The Invoice shall be issued electronically after payment of the Total Price and shall be sent to your e-mail address.
    • Ownership of the Goods shall pass to You only after You will have paid the Total Price, at the time You take possession of the Goods. In the case of payment by wire transfer, the Total Price shall be deemed paid when credited to Our bank account; otherwise it shall be deemed paid at the time of payment.


    • The Goods shall be delivered to You by the method of your choice, and You can choose from the following options:
      1. Collection by hand at Our premises;
      2. Collection by hand at the Zásilkovna Z-Point, PPL Parcelshop delivery outlets;;
      3. Delivery via a carrier: Zásilkovna, PPL, PPL Parcel Connect (DHL Express);
    • The Goods can be delivered to the EU member states + Switzerland, Norway, Great Britain, non-EU & Worldwide delivery available only upon request.
    • The delivery time of the Goods shall always depend on the availability thereof and the preferred method of delivery and payment. The estimated time of delivery of the Goods shall be communicated to You in the Order confirmation. The time specified in the E-shop is only indicative and may differ from the actual delivery time. In the case of collection by hand at Our premises, We shall always notify You about the possibility of collecting the Goods by e-mail.
    • International shipments of goods to non-EU countries may be subject to duty and import tax assessment as per the country’s laws and regulations. The Buyer is responsible for the customs clearance procedures.
    • Upon receipt of the Goods from the carrier, it shall be your obligation to check the integrity of the Goods packaging notify the carrier and Us immediately if any defects are found. In the event that there is a defect in the packaging that indicates tampering and unauthorized access to the content of the shipment, You shall not be obliged to accept the Goods from the carrier.
    • In the event that You breach your obligation to accept the Goods, except pursuant to Article 4 hereof, this shall not result in a breach of Our obligation to deliver the Goods to You. At the same time, your failure to accept the Goods shall not be deemed rescission of the Contract between Us and You. However, in this case, We shall have the right to rescind the Contract due to your material breach thereof. If We choose to exercise this right, the rescission shall be effective on the date We deliver the notice of rescission to you. Contract Rescission shall not prejudice the right to the payment of the Shipping Charge or the right to compensation for damages, if any.
    • If, for reasons arising on your side, the Goods shall be delivered repeatedly or in a different manner than agreed in the Contract, You shall reimburse Us for the costs associated with such repeated delivery. The payment details for these costs will be sent to your email address specified in the Contract and shall be due and payable within 14 days of receipt of such an email.
    • The risk of damage to the Goods passes to You upon your taking possession thereof. In the event that You do not accept delivery of the Goods, except pursuant to Article 4 hereof, the risk of damage to the Goods shall pass to You at the time when You had the opportunity to take delivery of the Goods but the delivery failed for reasons on your part. The passing of the risk of damage to the Goods shall mean that from that moment on You shall bear all consequences related to the loss, destruction, damage or any deterioration of the Goods.
    • In the event that the E-shop did not indicate that the Goods are in stock and the approximate time of availability was indicated, We shall always notify You about any:
      1. extraordinary failure in the production of the Goods, and We shall always provide You with a new expected time of availability or information that the Goods cannot be delivered;
      2. delay in delivery of the Goods from Our supplier, and We will always provide You with a new expected delivery time.
    • In the event that, for whatever reason, We are unable to deliver the Goods to You even within 30 days from the expiry of the delivery period specified in the Order confirmation, both We and You shall be entitled to rescind the Contract.
    • The indicative period of availability shall be provided for your convenience only and non-binding, and shall not imply any obligation on Our part to stock or deliver the Goods within the indicated period. At the same time, it shall not give rise to your claim for delivery of the Goods or any possibility to order the Goods within the specified period. Neither You nor We shall be entitled to damages in connection with the failure to meet said indicative period.


    • This article shall apply if You purchase the Goods from Us as a consumer.
    • We warrant that at the time the risk of damage to the Goods passes under Article 7 hereof, the Goods shall be free from defects, in particular that the Goods shall:
      1. have the features that We have agreed with You, and except as expressly agreed otherwise, then such features as We have claimed in the description of the Goods or such as may be expected in view of the nature of the Goods;
      2. be suitable for the purposes We have claimed or for such purposes which are usual for Goods of that particular type;
      3. correspond to the quality or workmanship of the agreed sample, if the quality or workmanship will have been determined from a sample;
      4. be in the appropriate quantity, size and weight;
      5. meet the requirements imposed thereon by law.
    • In the event that the Goods are defective including, without limitation, if any of the conditions under Article 2 hereof are not fulfilled, You may notify Us of such a defect and exercise your rights under the defective performance clauses (i.e. lodge a complaint) by sending an e-mail or letter to Our addresses specified in Article 1.7 hereof. You may also use the sample complaint form provided by Us, which is attached as Schedule 1 to the Terms.
    • If the defect cannot be remedied or it is reasonable in view of the nature of the defect, You shall be entitled to request delivery of a new item without defects (replacement with new Goods). If the defect is only in a part of the item, You shall only be entitled to ask for the relevant part to be replaced. If the Goods cannot be replaced, You shall be entitled to rescind the contract.
    • However, if this is disproportionate to the nature of the defect, in particular if the defect can be removed without undue delay, You shall be entitled to have the defect removed free of charge.
    • You have the right to have a new item delivered or a part replaced even in the case of a removable defect, if You cannot use the item properly due to the recurrence of the defect after repair or due to a considerable number of defects. In this case, You shall also have the right to rescind the contract.
    • If You do not rescind the Contract or do not exercise your right to have a new item without defects delivered, to have a part of the item replaced or to have the item repaired, You shall be entitled to claim a reasonable discount. You shall also be entitled to a reasonable discount if We cannot supply You with a new item without defects, replace a part or repair the item, or if We fail to arrange a remedy within a reasonable time or if it would cause You significant difficulties to wait for Us to arrange a remedy.
    • In exercising the right of defective performance, You must choose how You want to resolve the defect, and You cannot subsequently change this choice without Our consent, unless it is a situation where You have requested the repair of a defect that is not repairable.


    • This article shall apply if You purchase the Goods from Us in your capacity as a business entity.
    • We warrant that at the time the risk of damage to the Goods passes under Article 7 hereof, the Goods shall be free from defects, in particular that the Goods shall:
      1. have the features that We have agreed with You, and except as expressly agreed otherwise, then such features as We have claimed in the description of the Goods or such as may be expected in view of the nature of the Goods;
      2. be suitable for the purposes We have claimed or for such purposes which are usual for Goods of that particular type;
      3. correspond to the quality or workmanship of the agreed sample, if the quality or workmanship will have been determined from a sample;
      4. be in the appropriate quantity, size and weight;
    • Meet the requirements imposed thereon by law.
    • In the event that the Goods are defective including, without limitation, if any of the conditions under Article 1 hereof are not fulfilled, You may notify Us of such a defect and exercise your rights under the defective performance clauses (i.e. lodge a complaint) by sending an e-mail or letter to Our addresses specified in Article 1.7 hereof. You may also use the sample complaint form provided by Us, which is attached as Schedule 1 to the Terms. In exercising the right of defective performance, You must choose how You want to resolve the defect, and You may not subsequently change this choice without Our consent, except pursuant to Article 8.4. We shall resolve the complaint in accordance with your claimed rights of defective performance. In the event that You do not choose the way to have defect resolved, You shall have the rights set out in Article 8.5 even in situations where the defective performance constituted a material breach of the Contract.
    • If the defective performance constitutes a material breach of the Contract, You shall have the following rights:
      1. to have the defect removed by delivering new Goods without defect or by delivering the missing part of the Goods;
      2. to have the defect removed by repairing the Goods;
      3. to a reasonable discount on the Price;
      4. to rescind the Contract.
    • If We do not remove the defect within a reasonable period of time or if We notify You that We will not remove the defect in this way at all, You shall have the right to demand a reasonable discount on the Purchase Price in lieu of removing the defect, or You can rescind the Contract.
    • If the defective performance does not constitute a material breach of the Contract, You shall have the following rights:
      1. to have the defect removed by delivering new Goods without defect or by delivering the missing part of the Goods;
      2. to have the defect removed by repairing the Goods;
      3. to a reasonable discount on the Price.
    • However, if We do not remove the defect or refuse to remove the defect, You shall have the right to rescind the Contract.


    • You shall not be entitled to rescind the Contract or request delivery of a new item if You are unable to return the Goods in the condition in which You received them. This shall not apply in the following situations:
      1. if the condition of the Goods has changed as a result of an inspection to detect a defect;
      2. if the Goods has been used before the defect was discovered;
      3. if the impossibility of returning the Goods in their unaltered condition was not caused by your act or omission,
      4. if the Goods had been sold, consumed or altered by You in the normal course of use before the defect was discovered; however, if that has only partially occurred, You shall be obliged to return the part of the Goods that can be returned, in which case You shall not be refunded the part of the Price corresponding to your benefit from using a part of the Goods.


    • If You are a consumer, upon receipt of a complaint, We shall confirm in writing to your email address that We have received the complaint, when We received it, what it contains, what method of complaint handling You require and the expected duration of the complaint procedure to complete. We shall decide on the complaint immediately or, in complex cases, within three days of receiving it. We shall handle the complaint including the possible removal of the defect of the Goods without undue delay, but no later than 30 days from the claiming thereof. This deadline may be extended by mutual agreement. If the period for settling the claim expires in vain, You shall be entitled to rescind the Contract.
    • If You are a business, We shall deal settle your complaint within a reasonable time.
    • We will notify You by e-mail about the complaint procedure completion. After the complaint has been settled, We shall send You a written confirmation of the date and method of complaint settlement, including confirmation of any repairs to the Goods and the duration of the repairs. If We reject your complaint, We shall send You a written justification for the rejection by email.
    • If the claim is justified, You shall be entitled to reimbursement of the costs reasonably incurred. You shall provide proof of these costs, e.g. by shipping receipts or certificates. In the event that the defect has been rectified by the delivery of new Goods, You shall return the original Goods to Us; however, the costs of such return shall be borne by Us. In this case, We shall notify You how You can send the Goods back to Us.
    • In case You are a business, You shall be entitled to exercise the right of defective performance for hidden defects within 6 months from receipt of the Goods and You shall be obliged to notify and point out the defect without undue delay after You could have discovered it.
    • If You are a consumer, You shall be entitled to exercise your rights under defective performance for defects that occur in consumer Goods within 24 months of receipt of the Goods. If a defect becomes apparent within six months from receipt of the Goods, it shall be deemed to have been defective upon receipt unless We prove otherwise.
    • The provisions regarding the right of defective performance shall not apply in the case of:
      1. Goods that are sold at a lower Price because of a defect for which the lower Price was agreed;
      2. wear and tear of the Goods caused by normal or unusual use;
      3. used Goods for a defect corresponding to the level of use or wear and tear that the Goods exhibited when You received them;
      4. where the nature of the Goods so requires.
    • The exercise of rights arising from defective performance and complaints is governed by Sec. 2099 et seq. and Sec. 2158 et seq. of the Civil Code and by the Consumer Protection Act.


    • Contract rescission, i.e. making the contractual relationship between Us and You null and void, may occur for the reasons and in the ways specified in this Article or in other provisions of the Terms in which the possibility of rescission is expressly stated (e.g. rights arising from defective performance under Articles 7 and 8 above).
    • Pursuant to the provisions of Sec. 1829 of the Civil Code, when You are a consumer, i.e. a person purchasing the Goods outside the scope of its business activity, You shall have the right to rescind the Contract without giving any reason within 14 days from the date of receipt of the Goods. Where We have entered into a Contract which involves several types of Goods or the supply of several parts of Goods, this period shall not commence until the date of receipt of the last part of the Goods, and where We have entered into a Contract under which We will supply Goods to You on a regular and repeated basis, it shall commence on the date of receipt of the first delivery. You shall be entitled to rescind the Contract using any demonstrable means (including, but not limited to, by sending an email or letter to Our addresses set out in Section 1.7 hereof). You can also use the sample rescission notice form provided by Us, which is attached as Schedule 2 hereto..
    • Notwithstanding that, even as a consumer, You shall not be entitled to rescind the Contract in cases where the purpose of the Contract is the delivery of:
      1. Goods whose Price depends on financial market fluctuations independent of Our will and such fluctuations may occur during the period provided for Contract rescission;
      2. Alcoholic beverages, which can only be delivered after thirty or more days and the price of which is subject to financial market fluctuations beyond Our control;
      3. Goods that have been customised for You or as instructed by You;
      4. Perishable Goods and Goods that have been irreversibly mixed with another Goods after delivery;
      5. Goods in sealed packaging that have been removed from their packaging and cannot be returned due to hygiene reasons;
      6. Audio or visual recording or a computer program if the original packaging has been damaged;
      7. Newspapers, periodicals or magazines;
      8. Digital content, unless it has been delivered on a tangible medium and has been delivered with your prior express consent before the expiry of the period for rescission and We have advised You that You have no right to rescind the Contract.
    • The period for rescission under Article 2 of the Terms shall be deemed to have been observed if You send Us a notice that You rescind the Contract during the period for rescission.
    • In the event of Contract rescission, the Price will be refunded within 14 days from the effective date of rescission, to the account from which it was sent or to the account specified in the Contract Rescission Notice. However, the amount shall not be refunded until You return the Goods to Us or prove that they have been sent back to Us. Please return the goods to Us clean, including the original packaging if possible.
    • In the event of Contract rescission pursuant to Article 2 of the Terms, You shall be obliged to send the Goods to Us within 14 days of rescission and You shall bear the costs of returning the Goods to Us. In turn, You shall be entitled to have Us refund the Shipping Charge, but only in an amount equal to the cheapest shipping method We have offered for delivery of the Goods. In the event of rescission due to a breach of the Contract by Us, We shall also pay the costs of returning the Goods to Us, but again only up to the amount of the Shipping Charge corresponding to the cheapest delivery method offered by Us when delivering the Goods.
    • If You rescind the Contract, You shall be liable to Us for damages in cases where the Goods are damaged as a result of your handling them in a manner other than that which is necessary with respect to their nature and features. In such a case, We shall bill You for the damage caused after the Goods have been returned to Us and the charged amount shall be due and payable within 14 days. In the event that We have not yet refunded the Price to you, We shall be entitled to set off the claim for costs against your claim for reimbursement of the Price.
    • We shall be entitled to rescind the Contract at any time before We deliver the Goods to You if there are objective reasons why the Goods cannot be delivered (including, but not limited to, reasons on the part of third parties or reasons based on the nature of the Goods), even before the expiry of the period specified in Article 9 above hereof. We may also rescind the Contract if it is clear that You have deliberately provided incorrect information in the Order.


    • If You are a consumer, pursuant to the Consumer Protection Act You have the right to an out-of-court settlement of a consumer dispute arising from the Contract. In this case, You are entitled to contact the Czech Trade Inspection Authority, Central Inspectorate - ADR Department, Štěpánská 15, 120 00 Prague 2, e-mail: adr@coi.cz,web: adr.coi.cz. The out-of-court settlement of a consumer dispute is initiated exclusively at your request, in the event that the dispute has not been resolved directly with us. The petition may be filed no later than 1 year from the date on which You first exercised the right that is the subject of the dispute with us.
    • You shall also have the right to initiate out-of-court dispute resolution online via the ODR platform available at ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.


    • If Our legal relationship with You has an international reach (for example, We will ship the Goods outside the Czech Republic), such a relationship shall always be governed by the law of the Czech Republic. Notwithstanding that, if You are a consumer, this Contract shall not prejudice your rights under the laws of your home country.
    • All written correspondence with You will shall be delivered by email. Our email address is listed under Our contact Information in Section 1.7 of the Terms. We shall deliver correspondence to your email address provided in the Contract, User Account or, if applicable, to any other address through which You have contacted Us and which You provide to us.
    • The Contract may only be amended by a written agreement between us. Notwithstanding that, We shall be entitled to amend these Terms, but such amendments shall not affect Contracts already entered into, but only Contracts executed after the amendment becomes effective. We shall send You information about the change to your email address at least 14 days before the change takes effect. If We do not receive a notice of termination regarding a Contract for regular and recurring deliveries of the Goods from You within 14 days of sending You information about the change, the new Terms shall become part of Our Contract and shall apply to the next delivery of the Goods following the effective date of the change. If You give notice, the notice period is 2 months.
    • In the event of force majeure or events that cannot be foreseen (natural disaster, pandemic, operational failures, subcontractor failures, etc.), We shall not be liable for damages caused as a result of or in connection with cases of force majeure, and if the state of force majeure lasts for more than 10 days, We and You have the right to rescind the Contract.
    • A sample complaint form and a sample rescission notice form are attached as schedules to the Terms.
    • The Contract, including the Terms, shall be archived electronically by Us but shall not be accessible to You. Notwithstanding that, You shall always receive these Terms and the Order confirmation with a summary of the Order by email and, therefore, shall at all times have access to the Contract without Our cooperation. We recommend that You always save your Order confirmation and the Terms.
    • Our activities shall not be subject to any codes of conduct pursuant to Section 1826(1)(g) of the Civil Code.
    • These Terms shall take effect on 1 June 2022.